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Pollution- Our Greatest Enemy (Article Winner)

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. The pollution of natural resources causes a great imbalance in the eco-system. It has created lots of health hazards to the people and animals of any age group. In the recent years the rate of pollution is increasing very sharply because of the industrialized waste material mixing out directly into the soil, air and water. For this reason, I choose to spread awareness of this environmental disease that is spreading through the world.

Pollution is classified into many categories according to the natural resources getting affected such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. . These are dangerous forms of pollution causing direct heath disorders to the human beings. We have no safe water to drink, pure air to inhale and pollution free land to crop. This widely spreading pollution need to be taken under control for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future. Rate of pollution is increasing due to the selfishness of the human beings to earn more money and to fulfill some unnecessary wishes. In the modern era where technological advancement is given more priority by the people, everyone has forgotten the real discipline of life. These are dangerous forms of pollution causing direct heath disorders to the human beings. We have no safe water to drink, pure air to inhale and pollution free land to crop. This widely spreading pollution need to be taken under control for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future.

Environmental pollution is not the problem only one country however it is the issue of whole world, so it needs effort by all of us together to correct it. If it is not taken under control, it may affect the whole universe to a great extent in the future. Environmental pollution is increasing level of pollution of water, air, sound and land. Increase in the number of vehicles on the roads causes air pollution, increasing in the number of factories causes water pollution and land pollution. But together, we can save this rotting world. Together, we can make a difference.

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