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Youth Earth Summit - 2021

Writer's picture: Eco CommiteeEco Commitee

"On land and in the sea, our fore-fathers lived and survived in this environment. They were able to do so because they recognised the need to conserve it, to take from it only what they needed to live, and to preserve it for succeeding generations."

Youth Earth Summit, co-organized by the University of Wollongong and The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, provides a platform for connectivity for high school and university students within the UAE. Experts from across the country come together and discuss the importance of conservation in the face of extreme threats to nature. Teams prepare and submit abstracts to discuss real-world environmental problems and their proposed solutions. YES 2021, held on 22nd May on the event of International Day for Biological Diversity, focused on “Innovations in Agriculture”. The theme for this year was “Agriculture is responsible for 70-80% of global deforestation driven by conversion of forests intro agriculture and tree plantations. Forests are in turn habitat for more than 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity so losing them is threatening ours.” 32 groups presented their solutions consisting of 317 students and mentors from various schools and universities across the UAE amidst eminent Judges. Dr.Tarifa Al zaabi acting director ICBA, Dr.Zeenath Reza Khan, Founder Youth Earth Summit, Assistant Professor, UOWD ,Mai Shalaby-Emirates Soil Museum Curator and Dr. Stephen Wilkinson Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences.

5 groups from DPS Sharjah talked about various topics including “Food Security Through New Technologies” and “Irrigation Problems Faced by Farms of UAE.” Students of Grade 10 of DPS Sharjah presented Tech Enabled Solutions and they bagged the Audience Choice Award in this category. The team members Adya Roy, Ayati Sudheesh, Ganisha Ajay, Megan Fernandes & Stuti Vora, mentored by Ms. Anjum Hasan and Ms. Priyanka Kohli from Biology Department discussed some major issues related to global biodiversity simultaneously decreasing with the arable land and water, as a result hindering the food security of the UAE. This was discussed in a simplistic, yet creative manner. It was an extraordinary platform for students to showcase their creativity, innovation and public speaking skills and a great learning experience for all who participated in this prestigious competition. The winning Team has been rewarded with a 4 hours field trip to ICBA(International Center for Biosaline Agriculture ) with their mentors and organizers of the event.



“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead




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