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How Does Climate Change Affect Biodiversity?

Writer's picture: Eco CommiteeEco Commitee

BY - Paveethira Manivelan 6B

My Concern for the upcoming generation and for the Mother Earth is Pollution which is turning contaminants to our world, the natural feeds and other resources are being demolished due to pollution. Hence, I feel we have to definitely look upon our selves and follow a dignified path in saving our Mother Earth. We should stop affecting our nature and contaminating it.

When this question was first chosen as an essay, the very first impression that inked my mind was - Why this is even considered a vital topic when the world is presently struggling with the COVID-19 crisis? I paused, thought a little and then realized that Covid-19 is perhaps the most recent issue but climate change is a crises we have been ignoring for decades.

I took this essay as a blessing in disguise. Especially for kids like me, I would have never given it a serious thought. How we humans have destroyed our mother Earth and continue doing so without even a single thought crossing our busy minds. I realized that just writing an essay will probably not suffice. It was time for some serious action as well. It was already too late but like they say “better late than never.”

“So, action? How, when and why only Me? These answers are needed to be asked by every individual and the answer for this question should be written in their sub conscious mind. Every change has to begin with “me”. Because of Climate changes what are the disasters we may have to face and have faced in the past?

1) Climate change tends to affect the habitat of living species, forcing them to migrate them from their living space as the present conditions are not favorable for them to live.

2) Little changes in the Earth Temperature can spoil the Earth’s Eco System.

3) Pollution is mainly responsible for thinning of the ozone layer and heating up the planet.

4) Ice caps are melting leading to melting of glaciers and displacement of polar animals. Rise in sea level result in many coastal areas going underwater.

5) Many natural calamities like tsunami, tornado, cyclones and earthquakes have become a common feature in the last decade or so. Who can forget the destruction of the Amazon forests and bush fires in Australia in 2019? What could be more chilling than a video of a polar bear killing it’s own cub out of hunger? This went viral on social media last year but not many reacted more than some sympathetic comments. The world needs more than that now.

Being a ten year old child I would like to share few simple ideas to prevent our world for total destruction. I urge all my readers to take an oath and follow these steps in our lives :

1. Reduce pollution – reduce, recycle and reuse resources efficiently

2. Plant more trees – this is a must as the green cover of the planet is almost destroyed already.

3. Save water & electricity so that the coming generations don’t struggle for it.

4. Protect animals –give them their habitat. They deserve to share this planet too.

5. Use technology to spread awareness in public.

I conclude my essay by urging all of you to rise and shine and do your bit to save our only home…this lovely mother Earth.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead




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